Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.reporting

Provides for reporting and monitoring capabilities in Insight.


Class Summary
SerializationXmlUtils Utility class which has methods for handling common tasks in XML serializing and deserializing Verifiers and Jobs.

Exception Summary
InitializationException An exception that indicates a failure to initialize or deserialize a Verifier or a Verifier.

Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.reporting Description

Provides for reporting and monitoring capabilities in Insight.

Reporting Design

Click on any of the classes above to see a detailed documentation of the class.

The main components of this framework are:

For details on each of the components see the documentation for each of the packages and classes.

Common Classes

Click on any of the classes above to see a detailed documentation of the class.


Many of the components in the reporting framework, like Verifiers and Jobs support serialization for future invocation. This exception (or its specialization) is thrown when the operation to initialize the specified component from its serialized format fails.


Contains utility methods used across the package and its sub-packages for XML serialization and deserialization.

Insight 1.5
$Revision: 28 $ $Date: 2007-12-16 05:06:46 -0700 (Sun, 16 Dec 2007) $
Bindul Bhowmik
See Also:

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