Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.receiver

Interface Summary
ReceiverInterpreter The ReceiverInterpreter interface is a used for notifying for notifying ReciverListeners.
ReceiverListener The ReceiverListener interface is a used for accepting notification from the ReceiverIterpreters.

Class Summary
AbstractReceiver The AbstractReceiver class is an abstraction of functionality common to all Insight receiver implementations.
FileStreamReceiver The FileStreamReceiver class is a concrete implementation of the AbstractReceiver class.
LogInterpreter The LogInterpreter class is an abstraction of functionality which is used for creating log events out of the given resource.
RemoteProtocolStreamReceiver This is a concrete implementation of the com.mindtree.techworks.insight.receiver.AbstractReceiver class.
RuntimeNamespaceContainer The RuntimeNamespaceContainer class is a container for runtime namespace data.
WildCardMatcher The WildCardMatcher class matches wildcard expression that are normally file names.

Exception Summary
ReceiverInitializationException Thrown when an any Receiver is not able to initilize itself.

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