Interface Verifier

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public interface Verifier

A 'Verifier' as the name suggests is used to evaluate criterias on the filtered (or unfiltered) log event model.

Verifiers are usually configured with certain criterias and observe the execution of an (usually refining) action on the current log event model. For example, we can configure a verifier to monitor a filter action on the log event model and can trigger when the criteria configured in the verifier is met and can execute an action.
Verfiers can be both quantitative (for example, can count the number of matches) and qualitative (for example, can analyze the occurances against time, or can observe the transition between namespaces).

On meeting its criteria a Verifier usually executes an action or in Insight a Job. A Job performs a specific action, usually to report the action to the user (like by sending an email or showing a pop-up).
A Job will usually be sent a JobMessage which will contain the information to be acted upon. There can be multiple types of messages. For more information, see JobMessage.

The Verifier framework is not aware of any actions being executed in Insight, and also of actions it is observing. For an action to be verifiable it needs to be aware of the Verifier framework, and should provide means to register Verifier(s) and also call them appropriately.

An abstract implementation of the Verifier interface is provided as AbstractVerifier, which takes care of a number of tasks that need to be performed by a Verifier.
Anyone developing a new Verifier should keep in mind that the verify method is called in the same thread that executes the action which the Verifier is observing. Hence, any performance bottlenecks in the code inside this method will effect the entire action desired by the action.

A Verifier can be identified by the fully qualified class name of the class implementing the Verifier. The verifier also needs to return a display name for the Verifier. This would be used for easy identification of the Verifier by the user.

A Verifier can be serialized and stored for future invocation. A factory mechanism is provided to deserialize a Verifier. For a format of the serialized Verifier see VerifierDeserializer. Every Verifier must provide a default constructor implementation.

Insight 1.5
$Revision: 27 $ $Date: 2007-12-16 04:58:03 -0700 (Sun, 16 Dec 2007) $
Bindul Bhowmik
See Also:
AbstractVerifier, Job, JobMessage, VerifierDeserializerImpl

Method Summary
 VerifierDeserializer getDeserializer()
          This method returns the deserializer to be used for serializing the Verifier.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Returns the display name of the verifier to be displayed in the UI of the application to the user.
 java.lang.String getUID()
          Returns the unique identifier for this Verifier - the fully qualified name of the class implementing the interface.
 void notifyEndAction(LogEventModel logEventModel)
          Notifies the verifier that the action has ended on the current log event model.
 void notifyStartAction(LogEventModel logEventModel)
          Notifies the verifier that an action has started on the current log event model.
 void registerJob(Job job)
          Registers a Job to be called on meeting the criteria specified in this Verifier.
 java.lang.String serialize()
          Returns the string format of the Verifier for persistance, possibly in the preference mechanism of the application.
 void verify(LogEvent logEvent, FilterCriteria filterCriteria, boolean success)
          Verifies and registers an action being executed on the log event model.

Method Detail


void notifyStartAction(LogEventModel logEventModel)
Notifies the verifier that an action has started on the current log event model.

logEventModel - The log event model on which the action is being executed.


void verify(LogEvent logEvent,
            FilterCriteria filterCriteria,
            boolean success)
Verifies and registers an action being executed on the log event model. This is the callback method that the class executing an action (eg. filter) on the log event method should call for every log event it processes.

At present only the filter action is supposed to be able to support Verifiers. Should other actions (say, search) also be modified to support Verifiers, the codebase should be refactored to create a super-type (RefinementCriteria?) of FilterCriteria and the criteria for the other action (in our example SearchCriteria) and the signature of this method should be changed to take the new Type as a parameter, and all implementations adjusted accordingly.

logEvent - The event which was acted upon.
filterCriteria - The criteria which was executed on the event.
success - If the event meets the criteria or not.


void notifyEndAction(LogEventModel logEventModel)
Notifies the verifier that the action has ended on the current log event model.

For accumulator kind of verifiers, this will be the trigger to call the Job(s).

logEventModel - The log event model on which the action is being executed.


void registerJob(Job job)
Registers a Job to be called on meeting the criteria specified in this Verifier.

job - The Job to be called on trigger.


java.lang.String serialize()
Returns the string format of the Verifier for persistance, possibly in the preference mechanism of the application. The format in which the serialized format is returned is described in the documentation for VerifierDeserializer.

The String form of the Verifier.
See Also:


VerifierDeserializer getDeserializer()
This method returns the deserializer to be used for serializing the Verifier. A Verifier may use the default implementation of VerifierDeserializer provided: VerifierDeserializerImpl, or provide their own deserializer.

The VerifierDeserializer to be used for the Verifier.


java.lang.String getUID()
Returns the unique identifier for this Verifier - the fully qualified name of the class implementing the interface.

The unique identifier of the Verifier.


java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Returns the display name of the verifier to be displayed in the UI of the application to the user.

The display name of the Verifier.

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