Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.filter

Provides Filter Capabilities to the loaded Log Events.


Interface Summary
CriterionEvaluator This interface is to be implemented by any class which wishes to evaluate the filter criterion against a log event.
FilterPreferences.StoredFilterCriteriaUpdateListener Notifies clients that stored filters in this class has been updated.

Class Summary
CriterionEvaluatorImpl This is the default implementation provided for the CriterionEvaluator.
FilterCriteriaEvaluator This class evaluates a FilterCriteria expression on a given LogEvent.
FilterPreferences Handles preferences for stored filters.
FilterProvider This class provides filtering functionality based on the filter criteria selected by the user.
UniqueLogCriteria This class represents a set of unique criteria values for the supported filters.

Exception Summary
FilterException An exception class to represent any error conditions during filter operation.

Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.filter Description

Provides Filter Capabilities to the loaded Log Events.

Filter Design

Click on any of the classes above to see a detailed documentation of the class.


The FilterProvider is a threaded provider for filtering events. It takes a LogEventModel and a FilterCriteria and applies the criteria on the model. A resultant LogEventModel is generated and returned. To achieve this without blocking the user, it spawns a separate thread in which the actual filtering action is executed.

The FilterProvider uses the FilterCriteriaEvaluator to evaluate a single log event with the FilterCriteria. For evaluating a single FilterCriterion it passes on an instance of CriterionEvaluatorImpl.

The FilterProvider supports the Verifier framework, and can take on a number of Verifiers which will be notified for every LogEvent processed.

FilterCriteriaEvaluator and CriterionEvaluator

The FilterCriteriaEvaluator uses the Postfix notation of the FilterCriteria to evaluate each LogEvent.

An implementation of the CriterionEvaluator is used to evaluate each FilterCriterion on the LogEvent. A default implementation - CriterionEvaluatorImpl is provided.


A UniqueLogCriteria is associated with each LogEventModel and contains unique values for each field supported in the FilterCriterion. It is used by the UI classes to aid in creating filter criteria.


The FilterPreferences provides a view of the stored preferences in the preferences and helps in accessing and updating the stored filter criteria.

Insight 1.5
$Revision: 28 $ $Date: 2007-12-16 05:06:46 -0700 (Sun, 16 Dec 2007) $
Bindul Bhowmik
See Also:
com.mindtree.techworks.insight.filter.criteria, com.mindtree.techworks.insight.reporting

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