Package com.mindtree.techworks.insight.preferences

Interface Summary
PreferenceAttributeChangeListener This interface is to be used by any module interested in being notified whenever any attribute's value is changed in the application.
PreferenceChangeListener This interface is to be used by any module interested in being notified whenever any preference's value is changed in the application.
PreferenceDataHandler This is an interface used by the PreferenceManager for retrieving and storing data into the data-store, which could be an XML file, a properties file or a database.

Class Summary
PreferenceDataHandlerFactory Gets Preference Data Handler implementations.
PreferenceManager This is a singleton class to be used by the entire application for accessing and storing Preferences.

Exception Summary
PreferenceHandlerInstantiationException This exception is thrown from any of the PreferenceDataHandlers, if there is some error during instantiation.
PreferenceHandlerStoreException This exception is thrown whenever the preferences cannot be stored to the store.

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